MONDAY – March 24, 2008
Meeting Room 201 – 6:30p.m.
Members Present: Bill Otfinoski, Art Standish, John Jones, Glen Moran and Jim Stavola
Others Present: First Selectman Linda Hodge, Mike Caplet, Resident Trooper Rob Girard, Officer’s Labonte, Edwards, Green and Owens
B. Otfinoski Called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m.
Citizens Comments – None
Review Correspondence – None
Approve Minutes of February 25, 2008 meeting: B. Otfinoski AMENDED the minutes to read Budget Review – (Two officers will be replaced) to The Department is down two officers at the present time. J. Jones MOTIONED to approve the minutes. SECONDED by G. Moran. All members present voted in favor. MOTION CARRIED.
Budget Review – B. Otfinoski and J. Stavola will attend the budget hearing on 03-25-08 at 07:30 p.m.
Appropriations and Transfers – There are transfers that will be discussed at the next meeting of the Finance Board.
Resident Trooper Report and Monthly Statistics
Tpr. Girard reported that there were seven high profile cases from Larceny of Survey equipment and a large sum of money to a juvenile threatening to bring a gun to school, a Juvenile drug overdose and Indecent Exposure. There were (3) drunken driving arrests, (14) accidents (5) domestics and (4) drug arrests this month.
Officer Labonte has completed re-certification training. Recruit Passacantando will graduate from the Police Academy on April 2, 2008. Training for COLLECT, MARK I Nerve Agents, and Fire Extinguisher’s has been completed.
Monthly Statistics for January and February were handed out. There were (13) Accidents in Jan and (16) in Feb. (44) Criminal Investigations in Jan and (31) in Feb. and (771) Total Activity in Jan and (741) in Feb.
Police Commission Mtg. 03-24-08
7. Old Business
a. Hiring Update: The hiring committee and the commission interviewed (14) candidates. Two are still in the process. They are trying to get a candidate into the March Police Academy.
b. Status of Cruisers – Off. Owens handed out information for a new console and they would like to have cars 6-7-8 and 5 set up with the new console. B. Otfinoski asked for a written estimate for the console and installation.
c. Discussion regarding Black and White Cruisers – B. Otfinoski asked that G. Moran and Off. Edwards get estimates for painting and striping.
d. Officer of The Year – After a discussion it was decided to get the criteria written for Officer of the Year. It was also suggested that the commission hold and award ceremony in May during Police Week. To be discussed next month.
8. New Business
a. Commission Involvement – The new Colchester Web Site is now up and running. B. Otfinoski would like the commissioners to make additions and/or changes. L. Hodge invited all members of the commission and officers to meet the representatives from the Norwich Bulletin at 4:00 p.m. on 03-25-08. The Bulletin will be printing a special edition for Colchester on Thursdays.
b. New Ideas – Off. Owens requested to have a K-9 Unit. A. Standish and Off. Owens will be looking into the cost associated with getting a K-9.
J. Stavola has been trying to find grants for the police dept. In most cases the grants go to the State and they disburse the money.
J. Stavola handed out a proposal for fund-raising projects to get money for the police department in order to get equipment that is not budgeted for like a K-9, Cruiser Console upgrades, etc. John Jones MOTIONED for Jim Stavola to continue the Fund-Raising process in order to purchase and update equipment. SECONDED by G. Moran. All members present voted in favor. MOTION CARRIED.
L. Hodge, J. Stavola and M. Cosgrove will be reviewing the proposal.
c. Mission/Vision/Goals – B. Otfinoski handed out an old version of the Mission / Vision. After review the commission decided to table until next month.
9. Citizens Comments – None
10. Additions to Agenda – None
11. Adjourn - J. Jones MOTIONED to adjourn at 09:00 p.m. SECONDED by Art Standish. All members present voted in favor. MOTION CARRIED.
Respectfully Submitted,
Ellen Yacono, Administrative Assistant